“…If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. “ - 1 Peter 4:11
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
We are currently studying together through the book of Joel. This is an interactive class as we have much discussion included with the teaching.
Come and enjoy this morning time discussing the Word of God together. Snacks are out and the coffee is ready, come and join us.
Meets: 9:30am on Sundays
Children’s Ministries
Nursery–K: As with the older kids, we use Answers in Genesis curriculum that fits their age level. In this setting, we split the time with fun and study time (which is also fun!) The curriculum is solidly Biblical and hands-on as well; the kids love it.
1st-5th grade: Children meet for Sunday School with Kid's Time following. We at Discover Church believe in a curriculum that thoroughly equips believers at any age to be able to defend the truth of the Bible! Therefore we use the curriculum from Answers in Genesis. This is a curriculum that doesn’t revise Bible stories and therefore under-educate; these are lessons that cover Genesis through Revelation truthfully, but at their level.
Meets: Sunday School at 9:30am / Kid's Time at 11am
*Please Note: Children participate with the congregation during praise and worship before Kid's Time.
Wednesday Night Prayer Group
Please join us every Wednesday night for corporate prayer.
Meets: 6:30pm on Wednesday
Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Starting September 4 we will be doing a study on Book of Philippians
Coffee, water, sodas, and snacks are always available with fellowship following the studies.
Childcare is provided.
Meets: 7:15 pm on Wednesday
Wednesday Men's Bible Study
Join us each Wednesday night to study God's Word together.
We are currently studying the Book of Genesis
Coffee, water, sodas, and snacks are always available with fellowship following the studies.
Childcare is provided
Meets: 7:15pm on Wednesday
Truth Matters Radio Ministry
You can hear us on EquipFM at 9:30am Monday-Friday on 91.7 Lynchburg or 93.9 Roanoke.